PhD research

My PhD thesis is about modeling and control of a flexible-fluid coupled system.

At ISAE, an experimental set up is available that consists of an aluminium plate with a (water) tank near the tip. The idea is that this device has some similarity to an airplane wing with a tip tank. The structure and the fluid both moves at similar speeds, and their dynamics are coupled as you can see in the following video:

First mode video

So my thesis has two main goals: 1) find appropriate mathematical models for this experiment (modeling); 2) find appropriated methods to reduce the vibrations (control). For controlling the system, we are using piezoelectric patches (which consists in a kind of material that deforms when a voltage is applied).

Results of my research were presented in the following papers:

The PhD thesis can be obtained here:

Since 2014, I’ve been working with port-Hamiltonian approach for modeling and control of flexible-fluid structures. A quick introduction about this subject is presented here.